Cave, Burning life Arrival Area
The Man!!
Cube Republic

Yesterday I took in a fashion show at Burning Life. The show was at Centre Camp and it was a fun and somewhat wacky look at the
Burning life theme.
Needless to say there was a lot of lag. After taking off most of my attachments and reducing my prims, I was surprised to see an
Avie with 11K prims!!!
These are some of the Models for the show. (and lots of prims are expected for them!)
Taking in Burning life is somewhat of a challenge. You can watch the shows and events which are ongoing. You can try to see most of the builds which I have been doing today by flying around the sims. You can also do a tour by following the webpage and clicking on SLURLS.
(Some fun stuff there.) http://burninglife.secondlife.com/
You may find yourself logging out and back in a few times when your 'puter gets overloaded...
Probably the best way to experience BL is to do so as a builder, scripter or in many of the various volunteer positions available to you. There is so much to see you almost need to be there for a whole week to really experience it.
Burning Life is a microcosm of Second life
without all the money and commerce. There are plenty of Freebies, lots to do and see, and just about all the creative people in SL are involved.
Like SL it has all the negatives as well, Lag...., a confusing scheme, (just ask someone for a map of the place), and a somewhat disjointed atmosphere. One day in the future, when all is seamless in the metasphere, we may be nostalgic for the days when things were still being worked out.
I must admit my analog mind does get dizzy sometimes!