Blame Achariya and her Viral Meme's!! Many years ago when an Art Student, we would all be given basically the same assignment. Amazingly, the scope and variety in the Artwork was always unique. I must admit that lately my interest in fashion has been a bit meh..and eh..but only because I have been playing around with new things, Windlight and making my own poses.
(have no fear pose creators..my poses are terrible..) Truely my pictures are moving in a new and different direction and though my blogging has suffered I am hoping to see real results to share in future posts....
Credits; Skin(Leona), Eyes, Lashes Redgrave, Mika Cigarette holder, Sn@tch Mercy Chain Skirt, stockings, No9 Bracelets, Hair Boon ERA801, Blonde, Gisaci/Cambridge cuffed shirt, Egyria Red, Classic Italia Tie Black, Boots Bax Ankle, black patent . Shot at Musashi, pose from Striking Poses.